Man Arrested for Disorderly Behaviour in Linear Park, Highbury

Australia, Crime and Police, SA


Police have apprehended a 20-year-old man following reports of aggressive behavior on the Linear Path at Highbury. The incident took place this evening, Monday 6 May, and the man, hailing from Paradise, has been charged with disorderly behavior.

As per the police report, the accused has been granted bail and is set to appear before the Adelaide Magistrates Court on 5 August. While investigations are ongoing regarding potential additional offenses, the police urge residents and visitors to promptly report any instances of aggressive or suspicious behavior on the police assistance line at 131 444.

Linear Park, known for its picturesque trails and scenic beauty, is a popular recreational spot for locals and tourists alike. However, instances such as these serve as a reminder for everyone to stay vigilant and ensure their safety while enjoying the park’s amenities.

The police are committed to maintaining the safety and security of the community, and incidents like this highlight their dedication to promptly respond to reports and take necessary actions. Transparency and communication play a crucial role in fostering a safe environment, and the public is encouraged to report any concerning incidents without hesitation.

It is essential for individuals to remain aware of their surroundings and report any incidents that may compromise their safety or the safety of others. By working together, we can help create a secure and enjoyable environment for all parkgoers.

Please exercise caution while using the Linear Path at Highbury and remain vigilant for any signs of suspicious or aggressive behavior. The police are here to serve and protect, and your timely reporting can contribute to a safer community for everyone.


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